“The numbers are rolling in, and Bravo is the facilitator.”

A10’s Perry Glover explains how a magic combination of Bravo Insights, Bravo Digital Trader, Bravo Navigator and the Bravo Conference have helped his brokerage to work smarter and grow phenomenally over the past few months.


“Bravo Digital Trader is going to become the default ‘go to’ for us.”

Running a motor trade wholesale facility is a key revenue stream for Perry Glover and the A10 Insurance Brokers team. By unlocking the power of Bravo Insights – and more recently, signing up to Bravo Digital Trader – Perry has been able to drive key efficiencies in his business, across the wholesale side and beyond. “Bravo Insights just makes it easy and brings it all together, and I think it can only get better and become an even greater tool,” says Perry. “Bravo Digital Trader is going to become the default ‘go to’ for us.”

“When you put Digital Trader and Insights together, it shows where your business is and that for us is key for the wholesale facility. We want to put as much as we can with preferred partners, because it gives us a better margin. And it’s easy to use.”


“The market doesn’t stand still, but this thing’s evolving all the time.”

 For Perry, the fact that Bravo constantly develop their offering based on what members need is important. “Bravo listens to us,” says Perry. “The market doesn’t stand still, but Bravo Insights and Bravo Digital Trader are evolving all the time.”

What about increased insurer engagement? Perry adds that the tools have helped the team to develop a stronger relationship with RSA. “We used RSA before, but only a little,” says Perry. “Very recently we won a £35K case with RSA, through the support of Kim Mumford and the Bravo Navigator team. It’s a really good win. Appetites change, and Insights just nudged us. We’ve now got a better relationship with RSA off the back of that.”

Perry adds that the team are also looking to open a third agency with Markel – also thanks to increased engagement from both broker and insurer using the Digital Trader and Insights tools. “If you’ve got one place to go for a lot of these things, it just makes life easier,” says Perry.


“You can’t just flood the market – Bravo Insights helps to narrow things down.”

Perry is a member of the Bravo Networks Member Council, and he says that insurer engagement is a common challenge for him and his peers. “Communication is key,” says Perry. “And it’s important to engage more with the partners that you want to engage with, give them the quality information and risks, and get that hit rate up.”

Perry adds that the changing nature of the marketplace means that brokers need to move with the times. “Business is evolving,” says Perry. “You used to get your annual report, your quarterly report, your monthly report and so on. But now if we’ve got stuff we want to move, we can pretty much look at it in real time. If you’re any sort of broker, you should be looking at your stats. You can’t just flood the market, that’s not done any more. Bravo Insights helps to narrow it down.


“My top tip? Bookmark it to your favourites – and see the overrider rewards in May.”

Perry’s advice for making the most of Bravo Insights and Bravo Digital Trader is simple: Bookmark it to your favourites. “It’s one of the first three tabs I open every morning,” says Perry. “Get into the habit and keep it there in front of you. Make it habit forming.”

“You can use the information alongside your renewal lists,” adds Perry. “I also use it to plan ahead in my one-to-one meetings with my Account Executive.” Perry explains that the instant nature of the tool is a useful feature. “It’s live and real time, which is incredible to someone who started broking in the 1980s!” says Perry. “You can’t get any better than that. It gives you control, and next May you’ll see the rewards in the form of overriders. Work smarter, not harder!”


“We got our biggest client from the Bravo Conference – and had to recruit a new member of staff!”

Speaking of working hard, Perry says that the team were “absolutely exhausted” following this year’s Bravo Conference where they exhibited to promote their wholesale scheme; but the rewards have been huge. “At one point we had seven people waiting to talk to us on our stand,” says Perry. “We’ve since had 42 enquiries and signed up 22 brokers to the wholesale scheme.”

Perry adds that the team are definitely attending BNC.25 in Liverpool next year. “It has such a good vibe,” says Perry. “It’s not too business-y and there’s no pressure on it. While it was hard work, we really enjoyed it too and it was great to see old friends and make some new ones.”

Perry explains that the value of the Conference has continued to build since February. “One broker came along that we already had a relationship with, and now they have provided us with our largest client, through the facility,” says Perry. “I think it’s because he saw the whites of my eyes. We went from a £2.3K premium to nailing a £75K premium with them in the same week.”

“We’ve had some really good quotes – we’ve even had to recruit a new member of staff since to be able to deal with all the work,” adds Perry. “In fact, we were so busy that we missed picking up the award we won there, because we were just rammed from the moment the doors opened to the exhibition hall! It’s been nuts.”


“Bravo feels like home.”

Perry rounds off by saying that he feels cared for by the Bravo team. “They look after us, they’re not intrusive,” says Perry. “They just want to let us grow. It feels like home. We were sceptical about networks, went round them all, went to their conferences. But none of them felt right. Bravo is set up to help you succeed.”

It’s clear that being part of Bravo is working for Perry and the A10 team – the team have grown the account by 62% since the start of the year. “The numbers are rolling in, and Bravo is the facilitator,” says Perry

If you would like to sign up to Bravo Insights or Bravo Digital Trader, or would like an introduction to the Bravo Navigator team – or to find out more about A10’s wholesale motor trade scheme – please speak to your BDM.

Members, you can register for BNC.25 on Engage. If you’re not a member and would like to learn more, please speak to Simon Bailey on 07483 929 046 or email simon.bailey@bravo-group.co.uk.

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Nicolette Burgess
Marketing Communications Manager